Sunday, October 5, 2008

After every Revolution ... comes a new order

A mix of Hollywood-style adrenalin output, spectacular South African performances and unashamed jibes at social consciousness

I need to rule out the negatives before getting to the meaty parts , just so that It appears as though I'm being objective. After sifting out some contrived script, an overdose of 'skop-skiet-en-donder' and a feel-good ending, Jeruslama left me thoroughly entertained and very uneasy.

Someone alien to the South African context, might find that the script was trying to pull the strings of sentimentality, but to me the issues felt Real.

Jerusalema - the promised land.
The movie gives an honest reflection on the undelivered and unspoken promises of the post-apartheid era. It highlights the sense disillusion felt by the poor and the options left to them.

Poverty- the reality of it.
Poverty translated down to characters and situations is uncomfortable and disturbing. It's not a sentimental script ... this is too real. I found myself cringing with embarrassment for not being more active in efforts to readjust the status-quo.

Crime - critics could claim that the movie glorifies crime. But who said that art was supposed to be a moral compass? Maybe sometimes it needs to be a reflection of reality . It just depends on which side of the fence you are sitting. True, the grass is greener in the suburbs.

Putting South Africa on the map -
The strength of the cast and cinematic beauty that the Johannesburg sky-line offers, makes the quality of this production world class.

It's worth a watch - if only to engage with my comments :)


bb_aisha said...

It was released at the beginning of Ramadhan, & I was busy the weekend after. I want to watch this-I hope it's still showing this weekend.

Will engage with my comments after I watch it:-)

ayesha said...

it's showing and sandton, maponya and i cant remember where else.

good movie for south african schools film study - we should suggest it to someone ??????.
except a bit of nudity and profane language (nothing that our youngsters are not already used to :)

bb_aisha said...

yumna & i watched it soon after my comment-I'll be back to comment in detail Inshallah.

We want to watch it again though-it had more of an impact than Tsotsi